Welcome to the Bottle of Tomorrow
16 April 2021
The Johnnie Walker paper-based bottle will change spirits packaging forever. Made from sustainably sourced wood pulp, it’s our first recyclable paper-based spirits bottle. We can’t wait to introduce you to it.
environment pulp-technology innovation environment sustainability pulp-technology
Packaging Industry to Soar in 2021
24 February 2021
The packaging industry is set to experience a significant boost in 2021 after a steep fall induced by COVID-19 and the subsequent lockdowns across the world with the biggest growth drivers coming from paper and pulp.
environment pulp-technology innovation environment sustainability pulp-technology
Brand Expert Remi Rasenberg joins PLV
3 July 2020
Remi Rasenberg, a brand consultant and former advertising / marketing exec at agencies such as Saatchi & Saatchi and BBH, has joined Pilot Lite Ventures as Creative and Marketing Director. During his career, he has helped launch multi-channel campaigns for some of the world’s most recognizable brands including Unilever, Diageo, Audi and Patek Philippe.
business-readinesslaunchenvironment wair simpleroot pulp-technology packaging europe commercialisation innovation environment sustainability launch business-readiness pulp-technology packaging simpleroot europe wair plv plv
Case Studies
Case Study: Pilot Lite Capital
The world's first truly recyclable paper bottle
Pilot Lite and Diageo collaborated to establish Pulpex, a sustainable packaging technology company that has developed a patented, first-of-its-kind, single-mould paper bottle that is being adopted for use by its global CPG partners.
pulp-technology packaging europe africa asia america pulp-technology packaging america asia africa europe plc plc